Love & Hip-Hop reality star Karlie Redd is currently on a mission trip in Hinche, Haiti giving back.
On Thursday (October 29), the Love and Hip Hop Atlanta star took a mission trip to Haiti with the Giving Hearts with Love Foundation working on efforts to build a new school and feed families in the area. Karlie and the group are there providing back to school supplies, food and shoes to the underprivileged.
Karlie shared the photos above via social media with the caption, “I have Arrived on My Mission In Haiti #givingheartswithlovefoundation #prayforme 🙏🏽 #timetoworkhard #Haiti #karliesangels”
L’union Suite reached out to Karlie, who’s Trinidadian and asked about her decision to work in Haiti.
Hearing and seeing is one thing. Being in Haiti and walking in the steps of the underprivileged kids was overwhelming and defines my purpose driven and mission. God has blessed me in so many ways and with the Giving Hearts With Love Foundation, I am one of the newest Board of Directors and our mission is to provide a better quality of life and access to educational tools and services for families in need. Haiti is our focus. We were able to provide food, shoes, school supplies and love to over 200 families living in the countryside of Haiti.
I am returning here December 4 for our fundraising concert as we raise money to build a school in Hinch. We chose Haiti because I don’t see that they have any assistance programs here like we have in the states such as Medicaid. I would love for my peers and others to join me on these efforts by emailing
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